Galveston Historical Foundation

1859 Ashton Villa at Harris Garden Rental Reservation

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1859 Ashton Villa at Harris Garden Rental Reservation

SKU 545366 Category


[ics_calendar url=”https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/eb6e55ab334b44978d4cea7faefb9053@galvestonhistory.org/d653cdb135d044f0815b5940e030797214684121813466991552/calendar.ics” view=”month” columnlabels=”short” compact=”true” hidetimes=”true”] ABOUT ASHTON VILLA
Ashton Villa, an early brick structure in Texas, is located on Broadway in Galveston. It was built in 1859 by James Moreau Brown, who by the late 1850s had developed the largest hardware store west of the Mississippi. Brown purchased four lots at the corner of Broadway Boulevard and Twenty-fourth Street in Galveston on January 7, 1859. He designed the building and used slave labor and skilled European craftsmen. His wife, née Rebecca Ashton Stoddart, named the new family residence Ashton Villa in memory of one of her ancestors, Lt. Isaac Ashton, a Revolutionary War hero.