Galveston Historical Foundation

Edward L. Protz Historic Preservation Internship


Named in honor of Galveston preservationist Ed Protz, Galveston Historical Foundation announces the Edward L. Protz Historic Preservation Internship, supported by the Mary Moody Northen Endowment.

“We are very excited to be able to establish this terrific program to attract young men and women to the island to explore our history and architecture, to see our historic houses and commercial buildings, to climb a tall ship, to conserve valuable artifacts, to learn to make balusters for a historic porch, or analyze the next steps for historic preservation through planning or policy,” states GHF Executive Director, Dwayne Jones. “In a sense, we see this internship as a way to use Galveston as a laboratory and to build a wall of successful projects where interns learn to value history and architecture”.

GHF is a large non-profit organization involved in diverse activities, programs, and projects related to preserving and conserving Galveston’s history, architecture, and maritime traditions. We are now accepting proposals and resumes from individuals interested in paid internships focusing on special projects on Galveston Island. Internships may draw from professional and para-professional aspects of the organization, including historic preservation studies, research and documentation of historic properties, public policy and economic development initiatives, maritime studies and historic tall ship sailing, museum collections and documentation, archival planning, and craftsmanship and historic building rehabilitation or restoration. Internships will include a stipend and/or housing and living expenses. Up to three internships may be awarded each calendar year. Applicants enrolled in historic preservation programs may submit projects, but applicants also may be working in an educational position and see this as an opportunity to build skills to improve competency in historic preservation or maritime studies. Each intern will be required to produce a final project that may be written, oral, or digital in format.


Interested applicants should submit by January 31, 2025, an approximately 500-word letter of intent or project proposal that focuses on Galveston’s history, preservation, maritime traditions or history, conservation, or potential impact on Galveston Island, such as climate change, resiliency, or disaster management. Below are some of the issues facing Galveston currently, however we welcome applicant lead projects that work with their areas of interest/thesis projects. Letters should be accompanied by a resume or CV and a brief statement about the applicant. Inquiries should be e-mailed to Laura Bourgeois at


  • Resiliency management of historic properties, particularly for the Strand Mechanic National Historic Landmark district.
  • Assist with updating/developing a Disaster Management plan for GHF’s properties. Include best practices for after-disaster mitigation and stabilization before repairs.
  • Creating one-page guidelines for homeowners on prepping their residences for disaster, best practices for after a disaster, and best preservation practices for windows, roofs, insulation, etc.
  • Flooding/Climate change solutions for single-family homes and commercial buildings.
  • Develop a curriculum for our “Preservation U” lecture and hands-on classes for residents and contractors. Include demonstration videos and/or written briefs.


  • Feasibility for historic maritime vessels to expand the programming at the seaport museum and/or additional business plan enhancements to the existing maritime programs.
  • Reimagining the House Museum experience. Assist with creating unique and fresh ideas for how to interact with historic house museums.


  • Assist with submitting a National Register nomination for the Postoffice and Market Street Downtown Historic District. Assist with completing the surveys, collecting historical data, and writing the nomination.
  • Explore ethnic histories on the island. Research life on the island directly after Juneteenth for African Americans. What was their impact on the island?
  • Review literature, news articles, and GHF records to produce a chronological history of Revolving Fund projects. Create a database or map of the commercial and residential properties that have gone through the program.
  • Assist with creating an online self-walking or driving tour of the island’s historic district and landmarks for visitors and locals. Can include printed and digital maps and histories.

This is a 6-weeks internship during the spring or summer of 2025. The intern will receive a $2,500.00 stipend, GHF can also provide accommodations if needed. This is an in-person internship in Galveston, Texas, it will require meetings with staff and/or board members as needed.

GHF staff and board members will select interns each year considering the merit of the proposal, ability, skills, and knowledge of the applicant to complete the proposed project, familiarity with Galveston and commitment to complete a project that is beneficial to the island by furthering historic preservation interests.

If you have any questions about the internship, please feel free to contact Laura Bourgeois at 409-765-3429 or


GHF was formed as the Galveston Historical Society in 1871 and merged with a new organization formed in 1954 as a non-profit entity devoted to historic preservation and history in Galveston County. Over the last sixty years, GHF has expanded its mission to encompass community redevelopment, historic preservation advocacy, maritime preservation, coastal resiliency and stewardship of historic properties. GHF embraces a broader vision of history and architecture that encompasses advancements in environmental and natural sciences and their intersection with historic buildings and coastal life and conceives of history as an engaging story of individual lives and experiences on Galveston Island from the 19th century to the present day.

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